
News: Smart­pho­nes enab­le digi­tal con­nec­ti­vi­ty bet­ween vol­un­te­ers and staff at Yenfaabima

New devices were purcha­sed to sup­port coope­ra­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween volunteers

Intro­du­cing the smart­pho­nes to the volunteers

On 24 Octo­ber 2021, Timo­thée Tinda­no, psych­iatric nur­se and full-time employee at Yen­faa­bi­ma in Pié­la, Bur­ki­na Faso, wro­te:

“I her­eby inform you that we have purcha­sed the smart­pho­nes, the power­banks and the lap­top. The vol­un­te­ers for whom the devices are inten­ded had never used a smart­pho­ne befo­re. The­re­fo­re, when we han­ded them over, we gave a small intro­duc­tion on their use. We exp­lai­ned the pur­po­se and gave clear inst­ruc­tions about how to use them. A dedi­ca­ted group chat was set up to share infor­ma­ti­on about home visits.“

An important rea­son for con­nec­ting via smart­pho­nes is that some of the vol­un­te­ers ope­ra­te in are­as that are not ent­i­re­ly safe for them. Through the mobi­le pho­nes, they can get in touch with Timo­thée Tinda­no, who can advi­se them in chal­len­ging situations.