
For­got­ten Pro­blems crea­te For­got­ten People”

- Dai­ni­us Puras, UN Spe­cial Envoy, 2017

Peop­le suf­fe­ring from men­tal ill­ness, epi­le­psy or psy­cho­so­cial disa­bi­li­ties do not recei­ve ade­qua­te tre­at­ment or sup­port in many coun­tries, espe­cial­ly poor ones. The plight of tho­se affec­ted and their fami­lies is hard­ly taken into account by the regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal public, and their rights are vio­la­ted in many dif­fe­rent ways. Tho­se affec­ted are made invi­si­ble and for­got­ten. Howe­ver, the huma­ni­ty of a socie­ty is reflec­ted in the way it deals with its wea­kest members.